Tuesday, January 20, 2009

31 weeks!

Wow, oh Wow! I just saw my own ticker "8 weeks 2 days to go" (or less!) and I just can't believe it! My "Braxton Hicks" (although they are painful!) contractions have been getting stronger and I have been having one every two hours or so now for a week or so, sometimes more in the evening. But I just go lie down and drink some water or tea and they lighten up if that happens. I have also been feeling so nauseated, and tired (probably mostly from lack of food!). The only thing I can keep down is crackers, chicken soup, Gatorade, ginger ale, basically the BRAT (banana, rice, applesauce, toast) diet. This evening the only thing I wanted for dinner was French Fries, so after my doctor's appointment we went to happy hour at McMenamin's so I could have fries and hot orange tea! Great dinner, I know! But it stayed down and hit the spot! All I want to do is sit on my birthing ball, let my body purge itself, and be in my own little cocoon, classic end of the line feelings! But isn't it too early for these feelings? My mid-wife says she is not concerned about a pre-mature delivery, and if the baby comes at 36 0r 37 weeks (Truitt came at 37 weeks 6 days) that it will be okay, and that there is really nothing we can do about it anyway. So I am trying to just relax with that thought, that whatever happens is going to happen, and I just need to keep listening to my body.

I also have decided not to read anymore pregnancy magazines, because at every turn I seem to find stories on pre-mature birth. This is the last thing I need to keep reading right now!

We are pretty much ready for this little one to come out and join us. There are a few minor projects that I would like to get done, only one project that must get done, and just a few odds and ends to replace/ stock up on, and we'll be ready. I have been feeling the need/ urge to get the hospital bag packed, along with a bag of goodies and necessities for Truitt.

It is so funny because this baby already has a definite schedule and a definite way of how it wants things. Up at 6:15 almost to the minute, lots of kicking until I eat something. Then very quiet until about 11 am, time to eat mom! the baby seems to say, the baby starts kicking and my stomach starts to feel hungry (pavlovian response at this point!?!) Quiet again until it's time to put Truitt down for his nap, likes to kick/ move towards Truitt as we cuddle! Then at around 3pm, baby and Truitt are up together, everyone wants to be on my lap and my body feels like a jungle gym inside and out! The baby remains active until after dinner, when at about 8pm it gets very still. We settle down for the evening. The boys go to bed, I stay up and putz around getting odds and ends done, then finally decide to go to bed, at around 10 pm, at which point the baby gets SUPER active for about thirty minutes, but is then quiet, with no kicking until 6:15 in the morning! Not too bad of a schedule! Maybe just maybe the baby will stick with it even after birth? For some reason I am guessing I shouldn't count my chickens (or chicks) before they hatch!


Rebecca said...

wow you are right I had not even noticed the days til baby had gone down that much until I read this. I am glad that you are getting yourself ready and relaxing. I can not wait to hear how everything goes for you all.

The Mendes Family said...

That would be amazing if your baby kept to that schedule! It's already sleeping through the night! :-) Hope you are doing well, I'll try to call in the next few days so we can catch up. I miss you tons and am sending hugs!
Love you!