Finley Frederick Bjorlin

5:09 pm
5 lbs. 4 oz.
18 inches
Finley's birth was an awesome experience! With the help of five amazing women and one wonderful and strong husband I was able to have a natural birth even with pitocin. After four hours of labor, nine minutes of pushing, and zero tearing, Finley came out screaming, pink and adorable!
He is eating like a champ, and sleeping pretty well too. Now if only I could sleep! We are adjusting to the care of two little ones, and luckily, for now, Truitt is pretty patient with the needs of his brother, and seems to think he is pretty cute too!
I am so happy to have two little boys! I should have listened more during my pregnancy...five dreams about tiny baby boys, and an unexplainable attraction to the name Finley, I think he was trying to tell me something! But now he is here I am just so happy. I already feel an amazing connection with him, just as strong as with Truitt, but different too.
Joyeux Anniversaire mon petit bebe!
Yay! Congrats you guys!
Yay, finally some pictures of little Finley! I can't wait to meet the little man in person, but am sending all my love from CT to this new little babe!
He's beautiful!! Wishing you lots of sleep and snuggle time with that sweet baby!
Felicitations, Dominique! Le petit Finley est tres mignon! ;) Je t'embrase, mon ami! xx
Félicitations à vous tous! Vous nous rappellez de la beauté qui existe dans la vie, Dominique! Il est si beau, ton petit Finley! Je pense très, très fort à vous tous et je vous embrasse! Des bisous, Caren
Congratulations...and way to go mamma!! HE is beautiful!
Congratulations to you all and welcome to the world, Finley! What beautiful photos of him. Hope you are getting some sleep!
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