Monday, June 21, 2010
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Christmas is coming, the goose is getting ...
.....Squeezably CUTE!
I have so much to do, I am trying to enjoy my little munchkins, and still keep Christmas traditions going too. Here is my poem of Holiday to do's:
Keep Baby crawling away from the wood stove
Big Brother cough to cure
Green snotty noses to dry up
Presents to wrap
Cards to put together, address, and send
A few more gifts to buy
A few more gifts to make...yikes!
Cookies to bake
Home goods to put in baskets for neighbors
Plus the usual...
A house to keep clean
Laundry the size of mountains to wash
Keep dishes washed and put away
Oh, and did I mention I still haven't...
tried to get the baby to drink from a glass
been working on sounds, numbers, or geography with Truitt for quite some time
been reading with Truitt like I should be
And please, please, despite it all, please don't let me forget to...
Laugh, snuggle, giggle, and smile with my babies
be kind to my husband
and appreciate all I have this holiday season!
Posted by Dominique Bjorlin at 11:06 PM 0 comments
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Half a Year Gone
Stay tuned...
Posted by Dominique Bjorlin at 8:56 PM 2 comments
Thursday, March 5, 2009
It's a Boy!

5:09 pm
5 lbs. 4 oz.
18 inches
Finley's birth was an awesome experience! With the help of five amazing women and one wonderful and strong husband I was able to have a natural birth even with pitocin. After four hours of labor, nine minutes of pushing, and zero tearing, Finley came out screaming, pink and adorable!
He is eating like a champ, and sleeping pretty well too. Now if only I could sleep! We are adjusting to the care of two little ones, and luckily, for now, Truitt is pretty patient with the needs of his brother, and seems to think he is pretty cute too!
I am so happy to have two little boys! I should have listened more during my pregnancy...five dreams about tiny baby boys, and an unexplainable attraction to the name Finley, I think he was trying to tell me something! But now he is here I am just so happy. I already feel an amazing connection with him, just as strong as with Truitt, but different too.
Joyeux Anniversaire mon petit bebe!
Posted by Dominique Bjorlin at 3:37 PM 7 comments
Friday, February 27, 2009
Baby is coming!
Well, I just wanted to send out a quick note...I have to be at the hospital in 45 min to be induced! I had a large amount of protein in my urine and my blood pressure was 172/ 110! So baby is coming... a February baby, can you believe it! I meant to update with the cute little video we made last night of Truitt kissing my belly, nursery pics, etc., but you'll just have to wait. I have to eat dinner and take a shower before we get over there. Wish me luck, I'll get back to you as soon as I can!
Posted by Dominique Bjorlin at 5:09 PM 2 comments
Monday, February 23, 2009
Blushing Buttercream Pettiskirt GIVEAWAY!!!!
We have had a busy couple weeks trying to finish up house projects for Baby B. I will post more soon. In the mean time
look at this amazing giveaway! I just love this blog!
Blushing Buttercream Pettiskirt GIVEAWAY!!!!
Posted by Dominique Bjorlin at 2:39 PM 1 comments
Thursday, February 5, 2009
All's well...
Well, just got back from the doctor and everything is fine! My bile levels are smack dab in the middle of normal, so phew! I am relieved but also mystified and amazed at how pregnancy puts your body through the ringer and how all these little subtle changes in your body can totally be unexplainable!
I feel like I have been on an emotional roller coaster this week! If this is a girl I would totally not be surprised! Wow, the ups and downs of this pregnancy are just crazy! So different then with Truitt! We could have our hands full with this one!
So the doctor is starting me on some anti-anxiety meds this week. We were going to do it at 36 weeks, since I had some post-partum after Truitt, as a preventative, but she and I both agreed that now seems like a good time to start.
I hope that I can maybe relax a little and actually enjoy the end of my pregnancy...what a concept that would be!
Posted by Dominique Bjorlin at 12:22 PM 5 comments