Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Mystery Food Gifter...Who are you?

So today I went to get the mail and found a HUGE box of canned goods on our porch! I never heard it put there, and Stephen didn't see it when he left for work. We just went and asked the neighbors who were home today and they said they didn't put it there. Most of it is basics we can definitely use such as veggies, broth, tomato sauce, and soups. Someone also left us yummy home grown grapes a few days ago! Sooooo....who are you? Come out, come out where ever you are! And thank you, it is much appreciated!


The Mendes Family said...

It's not me, but I'm pretending that it is because that would mean I live close to you! That is the sweetest thing since that guy giving you a flower during a fire drill! hahahaha

Dominique Bjorlin said...

What?!? Your memory astounds me! I can barely grasp what you are talking about. Please refresh my awful memory!

The Mendes Family said...

Remember we had a fire drill when we were seniors in High School and that guy said something really sweet to you and gave you a rose outside during the firedrill. You didn't even know him and you found it so nice that you referenced him in one of the senior publications, I believe it was in our "Wills". Anyway, it was really minor and small, but it put a smile on your face for a week!

I got ahold of Erika Dall on Facebook. She's still dancing and I'm totally jealous! You should go on and get back in touch with her. I hope you don't mind that I shared that you are married, living in McMinnville with Truitt and your new little baby. When are you going to post belly pictures? I can't wait to see them. sorry this comment is so long, but your blog is like mine, you probably have lots of readers and no one leaves any comments! hahaha I love you and miss you and can't wait until we can talk. If you get a chance call me this weekend. Did you like my classroom pics? I posted them just for you!

Angelina said...

It wasn't me. Seems like such a nice gift though.

The Mendes Family said...

Any news on the amazing food gifter?

Dominique Bjorlin said... one coming forward! Hey got your voicemail. I am not avoiding you just busy and then when I get a moment, it is usually about 7 pm, and then it's too late! UUrrgghh! Thinking of you and sending you hugs!

Lals said...

Wow, how sweet! You live in a fabulous place -- firetrucks AND mystery food gifters! ;)

How are you feeling? Hope you're doing well and enjoy the arrival of Autumn.

The Mendes Family said...

ok, since it's already November, I'm ready for an update! How was Halloween? What was Truitt? Did you go Trick-or-Treating? How about your 30th Birthday? You need to update NOW! I need new Bjorlin reading material:)