Sunday, November 2, 2008

October Came and Now it's Gone

So I didn't post for all of October, and it was my favorite month too!

The beginning of the month was full of house projects in anticipation of family coming to visit from Chicago. This meant Mama got no break as Daddy was busy every night after work upstairs! But now we have a real bedroom with walls and heat, hallelujah!! I never realized we were living in basically a log cabin bedroom, what a difference!

Truitt is now fully aware of the computer and all it's workings. Let's see, he has almost deleted the camera software from the hard drive, and changed a few orders in Stephen's work files, just to name a couple. Much like my phone, he has found many functions that I did not even know about! Needless to say, my time typing while he is awake is over (also I can't really talk on my cell phone while he is awake either, unless he is fully occupied or in the car.) This has made it a new challenge to find time to blog. Now it is very late, but I know I need to get caught up!

Then we had Stephen's brother, his wife, and their kids here for a week. We had a blast! It was great to watch the boys play together non-stop all week! We spent a couple days in Seattle (packers were playing) before coming back down to McMinnville. Once here we visited a winery and had the boys pictures taken, strolled around downtown, went to the Evergreen Air Museum and took helicopter rides, visited the Roloff family pumpkin Farm, and carved pumpkins. We miss them already and are sad it will be over a year until we see them for Christmas 2009!

Amy Roloff, the kids were hungry and about to have a melt down so we couldn't wait for a photo with her, boo!

Stephen was out of town twice last month too. The last trip was over my 30th birthday weekend! I was pretty upset about it for a while, until I decided to have a girls weekend. It was so much fun to have all my girlfriends here! We talked until 3am! Ladies will understand when I say that it was very rejuvenating to have a chance to talk with my friends that much! We ate great food, and all rode a helicopter for the first time too. (Even Truitt got to sit on my lap! He was mesmerized!) It was a weekend full of fabulous memories. And now it is going to be an annual event as Stephen has this same conference about the same time every year.

One of the girls landing

The girls from my helicopter take off

View of McMinnville from the sky!

And one more fun happening in October:

Singing with Thomas Lauderdale from Pink Martini!!!!!! We went to a political rally at a farmer's barn and there he was with a piano, a violinist, and a stack of lyrics.

I sang Hang on Little Tomato. It was so much fun. You know you are singing with a true professionel when they make you feel so at ease, when you are usually so nervous. I had so much fun, I forgot all about my nerves and was actually sad when it was over. He asked for more songs and singers at the of the event, and I totally regret not also asking to sing Clemetine (both songs can be found above in our playlist). Well, maybe someday I will get a another chance!

Oh how I hate this picture of me! But at least he's short and round like me!

This past week we settled back into our normal routine and got ready for Halloween.

Now as we enter November, I am so excited for the holidays! This will be our last Christmas with just one child and I look forward to watching Truitt figure it all out and showing him the joy of the holidays: being with family and friends, baking, playing in the snow, and sitting by the fire cuddling in front of the Christmas tree!


Rebecca said...

It is great to read the updates. You seem to have had a busy month. Funny how family and friends can make time fly right by.

The Mendes Family said...

Great to hear all the updates on the Bjorlins! (One of my favorite families!) Your costume for Truitt came out adorable, I love the little hair you put on him, he looks just like Charlie! Wish I could have been at your party, but I was there in spirit! Did you see the Roloffs at the farm? I see them all the time on TV! Can't wait until Christmas when I get to squeeze my little guy again, he's the cutest thing ever!