Christmas present videos can be found in the You Tube link in the right hand column. Thank you to all our family for sending such wonderful presents for Truitt for Christmas. He is very blessed!
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Christmas Present Videos
Posted by Dominique Bjorlin at 7:58 PM 0 comments
Labels: Christmas Presents
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Joyeux Noel Already!
It has been 3 days now and Blogger will not let me post our Christmas Morning video! It is so sweet I wish I could show all of you, and alas all we took were videos of gift opening, no stills! Here are some of the highlights of our Idylic Christmas 2008...
...Staying up after the little one went to bed to set up the presents for Christmas morning, another milestone in the parent club for sure!
...The pitter patter of his little feet coming down the stairs on Christmas morning
...seeing him discover the cat is dressed like an elf
...listening literally to the directions we gave him and tripping over his surprises under the tree
...staying in PJ's the entire day, eating too many sweets, and taking a big family nap in the afternoon!
Joyeux Noel a vous et la votre! Merry Christmas to you and yours! Hope is was filled with wonderful memories you will hold dear forever!
Posted by Dominique Bjorlin at 8:27 PM 0 comments
Friday, December 26, 2008
We've been Elfed!

Posted by Dominique Bjorlin at 11:14 AM 0 comments
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Twas the night before Christmas...
Truitt opening his Christmas Eve present, Firetruck slippers!
Posted by Dominique Bjorlin at 3:05 PM 0 comments
And the Final Count Is...
Posted by Dominique Bjorlin at 2:53 PM 0 comments
Monday, December 22, 2008
And Boy has it Been Snowing!
Saturday with a mere 8 inches, and we thought that was the most of it, Hah!
Stephen up shoveling the flat parts of the roof off, thank you for taking care of us so our roof doesn't fall in! Sorry you have to do it again today! The Kiss song above is for you Honey!
Here's Penny chomping the snow as it fell. Truitt and I tried to play in it but it was too deep for him, he couldn't even walk. So we went and said hello to the neighbor's out front and then went back inside.
Truitt and I snug inside while Stephen worked outside.
Saturday night we had the neighbor's over for a hearty dinner. It seemed so "Dickens-ish" as they tromped over bringing their goods, covered in snow, and the aroma of the pot roast wafting about us. It was wonderful to share this snowy, blistery night with great food and wine and even better company!
By Sunday morning...
Sunday afternoon we watched the snow fall and drank hot chocolate. Truitt learned how to say chocolate, "cockolate".
Sunday night snow shoe walk around town:
Monday (today)
Posted by Dominique Bjorlin at 12:50 PM 2 comments
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Une Meme a Moi!
I have been tagged for my first Meme by the Duchess . Doesn't that sound so official!
( , also in my blog roll to the right.)
Here are the rules:
1. Link to the person who tagged you and post the rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself.
3. Tag 7 random people at the end of your post, and include links to their blogs.
4. Let each person know that they've been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
Here is my Meme:
1. Despite my love and adoration of gourmet food, I also LOVE corndogs. The crunchy sweet dough and salty dog, dabbed with mustard is undeniable! (Tator Tots and Onion rings could also be added in with this)
2. Once while was I volunteering for the Summit of the Eight in Colorado before starting college, I got to call the White House and speak with Clinton's personal secretary (only to verify a fax, but still it was cool!)
3. I have never made a souffle. They totally intimidate me and freak me out!
4. I tried out for Nickelodeon when I was 12 in a contest and made it to the second round.
5. I once won a screaming contest at the zoo. I was about 9 or 10. My Dad was very proud. His self defense lessons weren't a total waste!
6. In 7th grade I won a writing contest about Martin Luther King Jr. and got to meet Colonial Powell. Again, thanks Dad!
7. I cannot stand tarragon! The cooking shows I watch say that it is related to basil, so if you like one, you'll like the other, but I cannot stand the stuff, it tastes so vile to me! I know, so very un- French of me!
Well, that's my meme!
So, tag! your it to: Pearl, Stacey, Rebecca, Tina, Jenny, Lynn, Rochelle
And Merci Mme. La Duchess!
Posted by Dominique Bjorlin at 12:00 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Munchkin in the Snow!
The snow came! I was so excited for snow, I just love the snow! They said it would come on Saturday night, but it didn't arrive at our house until late Sunday. I was was getting very upset that we weren't going to get any, but by Monday morning this is what we had. Luckily I bought a snow suit for Truitt last month in hopes of taking him up to the mountains for some sledding, so if we don't make it up, or just go once, at least I will feel like it got used, and it is sooo big (the pants come up to his armpits!) , I am hoping it will last for next winter too.
We had fun watching him explore the snow. He loved snowballs, loved watching Penny run and eat the snow, loved watching the trucks go by (nice and slow!), and he didn't slip once on the ice! Maybe Stephen will have a snow board buddy in the future? After about a half an hour it was time to go in (temp was about 20!). And with pink cheeks and cold fingers he went very relunctently...we had to entice him with a bath!
PS- The Ludacris music above is from the end of the movie "Fred Claus" which we rented over the weekend. Truitt was busting some major moves when he heard the music. It is one of my goals over the next few days to get this on film!!! It's absolutely hilarious and adorable!
Posted by Dominique Bjorlin at 7:03 AM 1 comments
Labels: snow
Friday, December 12, 2008
The Holiday Season Begins: an essay in pictures, mostly
But Now....
This week my kitchen counter looks like this:
Here are the past two weeks in pictures:

At the town Christmas tree lighting:
Here comes Santa, on a firetruck. Truitt really only cared about one thing, and sorry Mom, it wasn't Santa!
Posted by Dominique Bjorlin at 2:03 PM 1 comments